Patterns from Nature
Our Camouflage is centered around science, research and results with a primary purpose in mind, to make you more successful on your hunt. Because our focus and priority is centered around blending in, we rely on several advanced scientific principles that we developed over years of research.

Pattern: SLOUGH
Slough was designed for the harsh winter months. All the leaves are gone , the hardwoods are filled with deer scavenging for the late season forage. The ducks have made it to the wintering grounds. The Slough pattern was designed with all these things in mind!
Whether you’re hunting whitetails in the fall or calling turkeys in the spring, our Gum Bottom pattern has you covered. The bark pattern is designed to blend seamlessly into any tree, allowing the hunter to fade into his surroundings.

If your hunt is taking you to the marshes in Louisiana or the wheat fields in Saskatchewan, Post Harvest is the pattern you need to keep you covered! The contrast of golden corn and black shadows makes the hunter disappear from the whistling wings above the flooded rice or cut corn.